Wednesday, February 11, 2015

All Hail Rosemary!!

In my recent posts I have mentioned adding Rosemary  herb to detoxifying foot baths and ginger tea to promote health. There are many reasons that I choose to add rosemary to my healing journey for it's many potential health benefits. Rosemary has been used for it's medicinal properties around the world to alleviate muscle and joint pain, improve memory, boost the immune system and circulatory system, and promote hair growth.

Rosemary boosts the immune system and improves the circulatory system with it's rich source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds which play an important role in neutralizing harmful particles called free radicals. In Europe rosemary is used to help with the digestion of food, although there is no scientific evidence to back up this claim Germany's Commission E has approved it for the treatment of dyspepsia. Using therapeutic rosemary oil can help to improve cognitive performance such as memory and concentration. The carnosic acids of rosemary provide neurological protection from free radicals in the body. Keeping our brain's youthful is also something that can potentially be achieved through the use of rosemary in our daily life. 

Just by adding some dried rosemary leaves to your tea cup each day will provide your body with plenty of antioxidants needed to make sure those free radicals aren't damaging your body. If you feel like the herbal taste of rosemary isn't your preferred method of healing then there are many aromatic rosemary oils that will also protect your body with the same healing properties. It's easy to start adding simple things like rosemary and ginger to your daily life and starting with these few adjustments you will start feeling the results with the day to day use of these things and you can start making more natural health adjustments in your life to be a healthier person. 

"Nature itself is the best physician." 

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