Sunday, March 1, 2015

Whats Up With GMOs?

For the past year or so I have noticed a craze in my community driven by the topic on GMOs. If you haven't heard about GMOs already your lucky to have landed here because this is something to be educated on to contribute to your natural healing process. So, what exactly are GMOs you might ask? Well, GMO is short for Genetically Modified Organisms that have gone under an artificial manipulation in a laboratory through genetic engineering. This unnatural way of crossbreeding has created unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacteria, and viral genes that do not occur in nature. GMOs are made to withstand the direct application of herbicide or to create it's own insecticide that increases the use of harmful chemicals such as Roundup on the plants which in turn has led to theories stating that GMOs are a factor in many of the nations health problems, environmental damage, and violation of farmer and consumer rights. There is no scientific evidence proving that GMOs have any sort of nutritional value, drought tolerance, or consumer benefit. 

In most countries GMOs are considered unsafe and banned from any agricultural food production. However, in the US our government has approved them for the profit they make off these genetically modified foods. Luckily, not everyone grows GMOs especially locally grown food from farmers markets or your local health food store. Therefore, we as Americans have the choice to opt out of the GMO experience. The only thing that's tough about eating GMO free is that food that contains GMOs are NOT labeled. This makes things more difficult when trying to buy non-GMO foods because you really aren't sure about what is safe and what is not. Most non-GMO foods will be labeled as non-GMO but these labeled foods can be tougher to find. 

Now that you have a thorough understanding of what GMOs are and how they are harmful I'm assuming you would like to know how we go about avoiding them and eating real natural foods that are not harmful to our bodies? One way would be to just buy USDA labeled organic foods especially when buying veggies and fruits that are on the current list for having GMOs in them. Look for the non-GMO project verified seal.Corn is one of the most well-known products that contains GMOs so be aware of the brand and labels when purchasing corn products. Eat more whole foods which are always less likely to contain GMOs. Buying organic canola oil or extra virgin olive oil as an alternative to vegetable oil or corn oil will also reduce the amount of GMOs your ingesting. 
It's a project we are all going to have to come together and work on as one because the nation won't stop growing GMO foods unless we educate ourselves on the harmful effects of these foods and what they are doing to our bodies as well as raise awareness in your communities by telling local restaurants they should use organic produce and promote the non-GMO project. Buy whole foods and stay conscious of what foods your putting into your bodies as well as what chemicals those foods might contain. 


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