Sunday, March 1, 2015

Whats Up With GMOs?

For the past year or so I have noticed a craze in my community driven by the topic on GMOs. If you haven't heard about GMOs already your lucky to have landed here because this is something to be educated on to contribute to your natural healing process. So, what exactly are GMOs you might ask? Well, GMO is short for Genetically Modified Organisms that have gone under an artificial manipulation in a laboratory through genetic engineering. This unnatural way of crossbreeding has created unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacteria, and viral genes that do not occur in nature. GMOs are made to withstand the direct application of herbicide or to create it's own insecticide that increases the use of harmful chemicals such as Roundup on the plants which in turn has led to theories stating that GMOs are a factor in many of the nations health problems, environmental damage, and violation of farmer and consumer rights. There is no scientific evidence proving that GMOs have any sort of nutritional value, drought tolerance, or consumer benefit. 

In most countries GMOs are considered unsafe and banned from any agricultural food production. However, in the US our government has approved them for the profit they make off these genetically modified foods. Luckily, not everyone grows GMOs especially locally grown food from farmers markets or your local health food store. Therefore, we as Americans have the choice to opt out of the GMO experience. The only thing that's tough about eating GMO free is that food that contains GMOs are NOT labeled. This makes things more difficult when trying to buy non-GMO foods because you really aren't sure about what is safe and what is not. Most non-GMO foods will be labeled as non-GMO but these labeled foods can be tougher to find. 

Now that you have a thorough understanding of what GMOs are and how they are harmful I'm assuming you would like to know how we go about avoiding them and eating real natural foods that are not harmful to our bodies? One way would be to just buy USDA labeled organic foods especially when buying veggies and fruits that are on the current list for having GMOs in them. Look for the non-GMO project verified seal.Corn is one of the most well-known products that contains GMOs so be aware of the brand and labels when purchasing corn products. Eat more whole foods which are always less likely to contain GMOs. Buying organic canola oil or extra virgin olive oil as an alternative to vegetable oil or corn oil will also reduce the amount of GMOs your ingesting. 
It's a project we are all going to have to come together and work on as one because the nation won't stop growing GMO foods unless we educate ourselves on the harmful effects of these foods and what they are doing to our bodies as well as raise awareness in your communities by telling local restaurants they should use organic produce and promote the non-GMO project. Buy whole foods and stay conscious of what foods your putting into your bodies as well as what chemicals those foods might contain. 


Thursday, February 19, 2015

Natural Fixes for Headaches

Most headaches are often caused by a lack of sleep, dehydration,or both, so if you constantly find yourself having headaches make sure your getting enough sleep each night and drinking plenty of water throughout the day. There are many natural solutions to curing your minor and major headaches so don't jump to any over the counter headache medicine before you try these homemade remedies.

When applied to the hairline and bottom of neck peppermint oil creates a cooling sensation that eases the stress and pain caused by headaches in the neck and head muscles.Lavender oil also works like peppermint oil or ginger and calms to tension in your body and relaxes you into an easy-going state. Ginger tea is a great way of ridding your headaches with its anti-inflammatory healing properties. The most important thing to do when naturally healing yourself of headaches is to just relax. Lie down in bed and try not to concentrate too hard on one task this can cause your eyes to strain making the headache worse. Try not to watch much T.V. or look at any screens for a while, play calming music and massage the temples. Stretch your neck by slowly rolling it from side to side and back and forth while breathing naturally. Lighting candles and dimming the lights will help immensely and will work even better when combined with a hot bath. Wet a cloth with some warm water and place this over your forehead and eyelids to reduce the ache with warmth.

Eating almonds works just as effectively as taking a pain killer because of the amounts of salicin it contains. Salicin is an agent found in the majority of over the counter pain relievers. Chocolate is very well known to cause headaches so make sure your eating less chocolate and junk food when trying to rid headaches. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

All Hail Rosemary!!

In my recent posts I have mentioned adding Rosemary  herb to detoxifying foot baths and ginger tea to promote health. There are many reasons that I choose to add rosemary to my healing journey for it's many potential health benefits. Rosemary has been used for it's medicinal properties around the world to alleviate muscle and joint pain, improve memory, boost the immune system and circulatory system, and promote hair growth.

Rosemary boosts the immune system and improves the circulatory system with it's rich source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds which play an important role in neutralizing harmful particles called free radicals. In Europe rosemary is used to help with the digestion of food, although there is no scientific evidence to back up this claim Germany's Commission E has approved it for the treatment of dyspepsia. Using therapeutic rosemary oil can help to improve cognitive performance such as memory and concentration. The carnosic acids of rosemary provide neurological protection from free radicals in the body. Keeping our brain's youthful is also something that can potentially be achieved through the use of rosemary in our daily life. 

Just by adding some dried rosemary leaves to your tea cup each day will provide your body with plenty of antioxidants needed to make sure those free radicals aren't damaging your body. If you feel like the herbal taste of rosemary isn't your preferred method of healing then there are many aromatic rosemary oils that will also protect your body with the same healing properties. It's easy to start adding simple things like rosemary and ginger to your daily life and starting with these few adjustments you will start feeling the results with the day to day use of these things and you can start making more natural health adjustments in your life to be a healthier person. 

"Nature itself is the best physician." 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Having Nightmares?

A good friend of mine today told me his girlfriend just couldn't stop having nightmares and it was really starting to bother her. Like myself, she chooses not to use over the counter medicines or doctor prescribed pills to "cure" her health needs. I did a little research about getting rid of nightmares naturally and this is what I came up with.

First of all, it is usually always a good idea to go to sleep content and in a good state of mind. Going to sleep angry, stressed, upset leads to a non restful sleep and can cause unpleasant dreams because of your current state. If your normally a person who's sleep pattern is irregular and you tend to get to bed at varying times throughout the week (including weekends) then this could also be a leading factor in your nightmares. Try to set a time for yourself to be in bed at every night and get on a regular sleeping schedule this is sure to make your dreams more pleasant. Eating before bed tends to increase risk of having nightmares when eating foods that take longer to digest like meats and cheeses. If hungry before bed have a small and light snack like some crackers or fruit. Alcohol and drug consumption should also be reduced immensely if your trying to get rid of nightmares.

Secondly, work on your attitude and make sure you cultivate gratitude in every day life make sure you remember to be thankful for everything you receive and this positive mind set will help to decrease your chances of having bad dreams. Try to reduce your exposure to violent images, horror films, or video games. Gruesome images and scenes can leave lingering nightmares for years after the effect. Spend as much time in nature as possible even if all the time you have is to walk down your street for a few minutes or stand barefoot in the grass. Moderate exercise really increases the quality of sleep. Start with some gentle body practices like yoga or tai chi.

Keeping a dream journal helps to dispel emotional feelings towards your dreams and releases those negative thoughts on the dreams and helps you to face your fears. Fresh flowers and aromatic oils like lavender or sandalwood positively affect your dreams and make sure to give yourself some self-love and acceptance by treating yourself to a relaxing foot bath before bed at night or positive affirmations to remind yourself that you are beautiful and bright every day!

All of these combined will totally boost that positive flow of dreams as well as increase your enjoyment of life and the people around you.

The foot bath recipe I use is very relaxing and is scientifically proven to detoxify your body releasing all those nasty toxins we pick up every day through our feet.

Boil about 6 cups of water and mix with roughly 2 cups of Epsom salt drop in a few drops of Tea Tree oil and bathe feet in it as long as desired. For a more aromatic foot bath I add a few slices of Ginger and some Rosemary. Works every time!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Healing Benefits of Ginger

A simple way to start your healing journey to a healthier you is to start adding basic natural healing items to your diet and every day life. This can be achieved in an affordable fashion with minimal effort. Ginger, a root plant which can be grown inside during colder climates, outside during the warm seasons, or you can buy it in stores for an extremely cheap price; is with rich with healing properties and is an all time favorite alternative to western medicine when fighting cold or flu. Gingers fresh and aromatic spice makes for a delicious and enjoyable time when it's added to food or drink and is 100% better than taking over the counter pills for sickness.

One of the many healing properties of Ginger Root  includes the ability to promote digestive system regulation and fire up those digestive juices to ensure that food is broken down properly in the body digested correctly. As well as a healthier digestive system ginger root improves the absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients in the body. When your sinuses are blocked up and you just can't seem to breathe right turn to ginger for help  as it clears the 'micro-circulatory channels' of the body. Air-sickness or nausea can be easily cured by chewing on a piece of ginger as well as reducing flatulence. Got cramps? Ginger will cure that one. The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger are perfect for easing joint and muscle pain or aches by just adding a little ground up ginger to a hot bath your muscles will relax and loosen up when soaked in the hot ginger water. Throat and nose congestion are also easily taken care of when sipping on a cup of ginger tea with a little honey it.

My personal favorite method of using ginger root for it's healing properties is to slice a small handful of the root and let it sit in about 2 to 3 cups of boiling water on the stove. Depending on how strong you want your tea, you will want to experiment with the amount of ginger slices you add to your water. After the water has come to a slow boil check the brew to see if it has started to turn a light yellowish color (the color of the ginger root itself) when the ginger has started to color the water I always add a few little sticks of rosemary for its healing properties and top it off with a few tablespoons of honey and a splash of lemon juice. Drink as much as desired throughout the day to receive full healing benefits of the plant.

~Namaste Healthy People~
"The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food."

Friday, February 6, 2015

Natural Healing: What's The Big Deal?

Why natural healing above pharmaceuticals and expensive doctor visits, you ask? Well, that's an easy one. We as human beings, organic matter on this earth, can be healthy and heal ourselves without the dependency of conventional medicine. Pharmaceuticals can be toxic, have many side affects (including death), and they are extremely easy to get addicted to. Not only are these prescribed pills, syrups, and injections taking away from our full potential of being healthy but a lot of medical surgeries and procedures are risky and rarely are 100% accurate in curing our health issues. By simply adjusting our lifestyles and making health conscious decisions in the way we think, eat, perform physical activities, and react to stressful situations in our daily lives we can slowly start transforming ourselves into healthier humans and not depending on western medicine to speed up the bodies natural healing process. There are many natural and safe alternatives to detoxify your body, strengthen your immune system, and build healthier relationships without turning to a doctor for pills that will deteriorate the lining of your stomach. Natural healing starts with yourself, you must make the decision to start your journey to a much healthier person.

A great place to start to your Journey to happiness, health, and balance is to adjust your diet by adding more greens and organic foods like fruits, vegetables, herbal drinks, as well as exercising, and practicing meditation or yoga. This blog will be a compilation of my research and self-discovery on my journey to a healthier life. I will document all my experiences and share my research with you other health nuts so that we can exchange information and continue to add to the natural healing community.
       Namaste beautiful people 

     "Natural Healing is about taking control of your life and being responsible for everything that goes in and out of your body, mind, and spirit."
-Richard Shulze